[Xastir] SiRF GPRMC bug? and GPGGA format

Tapio Sokura oh2kku at iki.fi
Mon May 16 03:53:56 EDT 2005

Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> So, 1) GPRMC specified 07.4f, which means a total field width of 7, 
> padded at left with zeroes, and 4 digits to the right of the .
> So how does 179.5430 render? That's an 8 character field.
> 2) GPGGA should have the same padding applied.

There's also a difference in the amount of digits left of the period 
between latitude and longitude. For latitude you always have four digits 
(two for degrees, two for minutes) and for longitude five digits (three 
and two respectively) left of the period in NMEA sentences. The amount 
of digits right of the decimal point varies, typically 2-4. And those 
are minute decimals, not degree decimals or seconds. So you have 
ddmm.mmmm for latitude and dddmm.mmmm for longitude

I haven't looked at the gpsd source code so in reality I don't know if 
what I'm talking about is relevant, this is based on my knowledge of NMEA.


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