[Xastir] Install issue on OSx

Keith Kaiser keith.kaiser at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 16:07:48 EDT 2007

I did the following in Terminal;

KeithsMini:~ keithkaiser$ cd /Work/
KeithsMini:/Work keithkaiser$ wget
KeithsMini:/Work keithkaiser$ tar -zxvf xastir-1.8.4.tar.gz
KeithsMini:/Work keithkaiser$ cd xastir-1.8.4
KeithsMini:/Work/xastir-1.8.4 keithkaiser$ make clean
./configure --prefix=/sw --with-rtree --with-bdb-incdir=/sw/include/db4
--with-bdb-libdir=/sw/lib --with-imageMagick=/sw/lib/ImageMagick-6.1.8
sudo make install
sudo chmod 4755 /sw/bin/xastir

Everything loaded fine as near as I can tell, at least I saw no obvious
errors, so then I went to an X11 window and did this;

KeithsMini:/Work keithkaiser$ /sw/bin/xastir

Built-in map types:
      gnis   USGS GNIS Datapoints
       map   APRSdos Maps
       map   WinAPRS/MacAPRS/X-APRS Maps
       pdb   PocketAPRS Maps

Support for these additional map types has been compiled in:
       geo   URL (Internet maps via libcurl library)
       shp   ESRI Shapefile Maps (Shapelib library)
       tif   USGS DRG Geotiff Topographic Maps (libgeotiff/libproj)
       xpm   X Pixmap Maps (XPM library)
xastir.cnf: MY_TRAIL_DIFF_COLOR not found, inserting default: 0
xastir.cnf: LOG_MESSAGE not found, inserting default: 0
xastir.cnf: LOG_WX_ALERT not found, inserting default: 0
Indexing maps...
No DBFAWK signature for national/timeznp020.shp!  Using default.
No DBFAWK signature for national/world.shp!  Using default.
*** Skipping '/sw/share/xastir/maps/Online/terraserver-reflectivity.geo',
IMAGESIZE tag missing or incorrect. ***
Perhaps no XPM or ImageMagick library support is installed?
*** Skipping '/sw/share/xastir/maps/Online/terraserver-topo.geo', IMAGESIZE
tag missing or incorrect. ***
Perhaps no XPM or ImageMagick library support is installed?
*** Skipping '/sw/share/xastir/maps/Online/terraserver-urban.geo', IMAGESIZE
tag missing or incorrect. ***
Perhaps no XPM or ImageMagick library support is installed?
*** Skipping '/sw/share/xastir/maps/Online/terraserver.geo', IMAGESIZE tag
missing or incorrect. ***
Perhaps no XPM or ImageMagick library support is installed?
Bus error
KeithsMini:/Work keithkaiser$

As you can see it starts to index all the maps and then all of a sudden it
dies.... anyone have any idea where I can start to trace this error down?

Keith D Kaiser

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