[Xastir] Geotiff missing...???

Ray Wells vk2tv at exemail.com.au
Wed Feb 28 14:49:09 EST 2007

larry wrote:

> I have xastir version 1.8.5 installed, but my problem is I am not 
> getting any maps to show up on the screen...Could it be that I am 
> missing the file Geotiff, if so where can I get it for Ubuntu 6.10...???
> I have compiled in so far, everything except for that file, anyone out 
> there that could direct me to the site for me to get it...
> Thanks Larry
I may be off course on this but I also have no maps displayed. In my 
case, even though Xastir compiles with Imagemagick, Imagemagick appears 
to be broken.

Debian have just released an updated version which I've installed with 
dselect. There are no errors during the installation. When attempting to 
display the logo, Imagemagick complains it's unable to open the 
X-server. One day it will be important enough for me to devote time to 
finding out why.

I had maps before changing from 2.2.26 to 2.6.18-3; both Debian distros. 
Does anyone know if Imagemagick is broken in Debian?

Larry, does your Imagemagick actually work?

Ray vk2tv

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