February 2007 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Feb 1 00:42:19 EST 2007
Ending: Wed Feb 28 23:56:57 EST 2007
Messages: 264
- [Xastir] (no subject)
Ron Malinowski Jr
- [Xastir] (no subject)
Greg Eigsti
- [Xastir] (no subject)
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Re: [OZAPRS] Xastir maps... again
Norm, VK3XCI
- [Xastir] [SourceForge.net Release] xastir : xastir-development (fwd)
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Another way to get Linux and Xastir
Amateur Radio WB8NUT
- [Xastir] Another way to get Linux and Xastir
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] APRStt
William McKeehan
- [Xastir] APRStt
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Bluetooth connection to D700!
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Bluetooth connection to D700!
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Bluetooth connection to D700!
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Jeff Brower
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Tom Tessier
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Tom Tessier
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Tom Tessier
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Canada Toporama Maps
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Cygwin Alternative
- [Xastir] Cygwin update
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] Cygwin update
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Cygwin update
David Flood
- [Xastir] Cygwin update
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Davis software install
- [Xastir] Davis software install
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Davis software install
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] Davis weather station install
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] Davis weather station install
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Davis Weather unit install
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Davis Weather unit install
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Davis Weather unit install
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] Re: Davis WX Station install
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] Display Packet Dialog Eratic
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Distro Poll
James Jolin
- [Xastir] Distro Poll
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Distro Poll
Greg Eigsti
- [Xastir] FW: VMPlayer
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] Fwd: Display Packet Dialog Eratic
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Fwd: Display Packet Dialog Eratic
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Fwd: Display Packet Dialog Eratic
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Fwd: Using xastir with an AXIP link
Stephen Brown Jr
- [Xastir] Gate Inet to RF using Xastir as client/server
Josh Housey
- [Xastir] Gate Inet to RF using Xastir as client/server
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
Jim Shorney
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
Greg Eigsti
- [Xastir] Geotiff missing...???
Jim Shorney
- [Xastir] Help on dependences
- [Xastir] Help on dependences
Stephen Brown Jr
- [Xastir] Help on dependences
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Help on dependences
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] inf2geo.pl returns an error
Norm, VK3XCI
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Bennett, Joe
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Is it me or is there a problem with Weather Alert...
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] Joe: KA3NAM
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] KAM+ and AX25
Kevin Hogan
- [Xastir] KAM+ and AX25
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] KAM+ and AX25
Kevin Hogan
- [Xastir] KAM+ and AX25
Curt Mills
- Kiss/AX25 and rc.local (was Re: [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using)
Rodney Baker
- Kiss/AX25 and rc.local (was Re: [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using)
Kevin Hogan
- [Xastir] KMZ
Matt Werner
- [Xastir] KMZ
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] KMZ
Matt Werner
- [Xastir] KMZ
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] maps
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] maps
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Norm, VK3XCI
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Rick Green
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Bob Nielsen
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Maps and ImageMagick The end?
Norm, VK3XCI
- Mepis comile problem. Was: [Xastir] Which distro are you using
Rick Green
- [Xastir] MGRS/MGRS-2/MGRS-3
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] New Devel Snapshot
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] New Feature: Home
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] New function, "Home" key
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] New function, "Home" key
- [Xastir] New function, "Home" key
Steve Huston
- [Xastir] OpenMotif & OSX.
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Possible bad wx packets from rotate.aprs.net
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Possible bad wx packets from rotate.aprs.net
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Rick Green
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Rick Green
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] rattlesnakes
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Slackware 11.0 xastir 1.8.5 build
Richard M
- [Xastir] Slackware 11.0 xastir 1.8.5 build
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Slightly Off Topic.
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
Richard Polivka
- [Xastir] Slightly OT: Three-headed BigBox on Fedora 6
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Norm, VK3XCI
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
vk3xci at aanet.com.au
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Rick Green
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] SSID = 10 not showing trailing zero?
Bennett, Joe
- [Xastir] Station Info dialog change
William McKeehan
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
tom.white at gmail.com
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
KC7ZRU - Tate
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Tim Gimmel
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Gerry Creager
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
tom.white at gmail.com
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
tom.white at gmail.com
- [Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles
Derrick J Brashear
- [Xastir] TNC
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] TNC
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] TNC
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] TNC
Bob Donnell
- [Xastir] TNC
Tim Schall
- [Xastir] UK Maps
Chris Backhouse
- [Xastir] UK Maps
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Using xastir with an AXIP link
Stephen Brown Jr
- [Xastir] Using xastir with an AXIP link
Carl Makin
- [Xastir] VMPlayer
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] VMPlayer
Lance Cotton
- [Xastir] VMPlayer
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] vmplayer
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] vmplayer
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] vmplayer
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] vmplayer
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] vmplayer
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] vmplayer et al.
Peter Maxfield
- [Xastir] vmplayer et al.
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] VMWare Question
Bennett, Joe
- [Xastir] VMWare Question
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] VMWare Question
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] VMWare Question
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Which distro are you using
Jim Bradbury
- [Xastir] Which distro are you using
Darrel Smith
- [Xastir] Which distro are you using
- [Xastir] Which distro are you using
Darrel Smith
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
James Jolin
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Richard, N6NKO
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
S. Porter
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Jim Shorney
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
David Flood
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Rick Green
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Norm, VK3XCI
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Bob Donnell
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Steve Friis
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Curt Mills
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Tony Hunt
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Dalen Kruse
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Larry Shields
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Greg Eigsti
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
KC7ZRU - Tate
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Carl Makin
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Cranz Nichols
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Mike Markowski
- [Xastir] Which distrro are you using
Greg Eigsti
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Kevin Paetzold
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Kevin Hogan
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
J. Lance Cotton
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Tom ve7did
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Ray Wells
- [Xastir] Re: Which distrro are you using
Kevin Hogan
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Lance Cotton
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
J. Lance Cotton
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Jason Winningham
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Craig Anderson
- [Xastir] Xastir and TCP/IP over AX.25 coexistence?
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Re: Xastir Digest, Vol 19, Issue 31
Stan Grigaliunas
- [Xastir] Re: Xastir Digest, Vol 19, Issue 36
tom.white at gmail.com
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Richard Murnane
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Steve Huston
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Steve Huston
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Steve Huston
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Steve Huston
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Richard Murnane
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Curt, WE7U
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Greg Eigsti
- [Xastir] Xastir hangs when changing form fields
Richard Murnane
- [Xastir] xastir in Ubuntu
Rick Green
- [Xastir] xastir in Ubuntu
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] xastir in Ubuntu
Rick Green
- [Xastir] xastir in Ubuntu
Tom Russo
- [Xastir] Xastir Screenshot
John Ronan
- [Xastir] Xastir Screenshot
Tom ve7did
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 23:56:57 EST 2007
Archived on: Wed May 6 18:29:17 EDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).