[Xastir] Tiger 2006 files as shapefiles

Jason Winningham jdw at eng.uah.edu
Mon Feb 19 14:16:44 EST 2007

I just downloaded the lot of 'em (I2 between me and Gerry :) and took  
a quick look.

Most files extract into a subdirectory called "xlate".  A few extract  
into the current directory.

Files have the same signature, so existing dbfawks work.

FIPS coded filenames aren't too friendly, but the zip files are named  
by state.

Polygons are not there.

There are a few minor changes in my neighborhood (literally) that  
appear to be corrections; I'll have to put a GPS trail down to be  
sure.  I have no idea about the quality of data overall.

I'd recommend changing the filenames to include the state and county  
and eliminating that "xlate" subdirectory, and the polygons sure are  
nice to have around.


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