[Xastir] VMPlayer

Lance Cotton joe at lightningflash.net
Wed Feb 7 19:41:00 EST 2007

Peter Maxfield wrote:
> Only problem so far:  I use 2 monitors.  VMPlayer grabs my mouse and won't
> let me move it from one screen to the other.  So, I'm stuck running VMPlayer
> and can't do anything else.  Any suggestions?

Install VMWare Tools, that lets the cursor move in and out of the VMWare 
application without having to release the cursor.

To manually release the cursor, just simultaneously press and release 
CTRL and ALT keys. You should have your cursor back until you click in 
the VMWare screen again.

You could also mean that you are running VMWare in full screen mode on 
only one of your 2 monitors. If that is the case, I don't know how that 
is handled.

J. Lance Cotton, KJ5O
joe at lightningflash.net
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