[Xastir] A success report and an inquiry

jdw at eng.uah.edu jdw at eng.uah.edu
Fri Jul 6 17:01:00 EDT 2007

Curt, WE7U wrote:

> This should probably go in as a togglebutton at some point.

how feasible/useful is it for stuff like this to be configurable from the
config file, but not actually have a GUI tie-in?  Would it help features
get into the code a little more quickly if it could be done by editing the
config file manually?

For example, I'd like to see the GNIS levels configurable at a level
higher than editing source code.  Of course, given that the latest GNIS
format is less than useful, maybe I should just convert what I have to
shapefiles and use a dbfawk to scratch that particular itch.


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