[Xastir] Radio frequency question from a simpleton

Jim Tolbert RiverRidge at CenturyTel.net
Thu Jul 19 11:21:26 EDT 2007

I am not Ham literate, but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night 
and I have ordered the license prep manual............

I have read that APRS is conducted on 144.39 Hz.  My assumption is that 
there is nothing inherent in Xastir that is tied to that frequency, but 
rather the frequency is set by the radio.  Is this correct?

My (extremely limited) understanding of the TNC is that it is not 
frequency dependent.  Is this something that most Ham operators would have?

Are the various tracker gizmos (Open tracker, Tracker2, Mini-Track, 
etc.) for a fixed frequency (144.39) or can be function on any frequency?

For proof of concept as inexpensively as possible, I have a laptop 
running Xastir and have access to several radios (Motorola HT1250) that 
are tuned to Sheriff's, Fire, and EMS frequencies.  If I can find a TNC 
to borrow (or worst case buy one) and buy a few of the tracker kits to 
hook to Sheriff's radios, I should be able to demo it on an existing 
channel -- right?

All (helpful) suggestions and comments will be gratefully accepted.   :-D

Many thanx............... jt

Jim & Peggy Tolbert

715-866-4398 home office
715-349-8993 fax

RiverRidge at CenturyTel.net

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