[Xastir] Window managers

Bill Bird billbird at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu May 17 15:06:35 EDT 2007

The window manager I use for Xastir is TWM - it is very simple!  I run Xastir 
inside a VNC server session on a Fedora Core 6 machine with 256MB of memory. 
With Xastir running under VNC I just open up a VNC viewer on any machine in the 
house (including the machine where the VNC/Xastir is running) to use my 
Xastir/tnc/2m set-up.  The FC6/Xastir machine is also running Gnome for using 
Open Office, Firefox, etc.

If I am using a laptop with only 64MB of memory I'll just run the TWM/Xastir 


Bill Bird

Tom Russo wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 02:05:47PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of the <archer at eskimo.com> flavor, containing:
>>On Wed, 16 May 2007, James Jolin wrote:
>>>Sometime back I asked what distros people where using.  Had some real
>>>nice input.  Now, to satisfy my curiosity, I wondered what  window
>>>managers you all are using...kde, gnome or what.
>>Nothing but the best here:  FVWM2!
> Heh.  Mostly megadittos from here.  I run FVWM2 on two of the machines I use
> for Xastir and still really enjoy the simplicity and cleanliness of such
> a minimalist window manager that stays out of my way.  But my newer laptop 
> running Ubuntu just uses the default gnome desktop --- I have somehow been 
> able to overcome my dislike of overengineered desktop environments enough to 
> enjoy using the laptop in this configuration.
> I don't actually *use* the xastir virtual machine much other than to test
> it out and distribute it, but the Xfce desktop environment is a nice 
> compromise between FVWM ("just stay out of my way and manage my windows") and
> the other complete desktop environments --- lightweight enough to be usable
> on old clunkers, but not as old-school hardcore as FVWM.

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