[Xastir] Window managers

Rice, MA Mark @ IS mark.rice at L-3com.com
Fri May 18 14:43:47 EDT 2007

>Sometime back I asked what distros people where using.  Had some real 
>nice input.  Now, to satisfy my curiosity, I wondered what  window 
>managers you all are using...kde, gnome or what.

My Fedora Core 5 uses Gnome.

By the way, is there a feature in Xastir to set the number of log files
rotated so that if I wanted to keep a week (or two) of logged data, I
could?  There are a few times this summer that I plan to be gone a few
days, and would like to have a record of some older traffic...

- Mark Rice
mark.rice at L-3com.com

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