[Xastir] Zypad?

Brad Douglas rez at touchofmadness.com
Fri Apr 25 13:00:08 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-04-24 at 22:54 -0700, Craig Anderson wrote:
> Anyone seen this before as a possible Xastir platform?

Hi Craig,

Interesting find.  Here's my comments:

I don't see why it couldn't run Xastir, so long as it runs a X server
(they don't say), but I don't think it'll be fully functional out of the
box.  There will be some key remapping, touchscreen, etc.

Things I like:
- Small and relatively lightweight
- Excellent form factor for S&R
- Dead reckoning

Things I don't like:
- I'm not all that thrilled with having a microwave transmitter on my
arm (WiFi). YMMV.
- Required to use their non-OSS SDK
- Helix L1 antennas generally don't perform well near earth ground
- Limited memory may not hold everything needed to run Xastir, let alone
- Not terribly ruggedized (IP54 = limited dust and water protection), so
I'd be very hesitant to take it out in the rain
- Still requires USB to TNC/radio for APRS, making arm placement fairly
useless as USB is not a locking connector
- This thing has to cost several hundred dollars, making an EEEPC a
better choice, IMO.

73, de Brad KB8UYR/6 <rez touchofmadness com>

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