[Xastir] Xastir install and compile tutorial

Rick Green rtg at aapsc.com
Tue Feb 12 11:21:46 EST 2008

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Ronny Julian wrote:

> I got through setting up Ubuntu 7.10 fine but I'm running into a brick 
> wall following the directions to set up Xastir.  Anyone have a different 
> web site that explains how to do it?  I get the Sourceforge download but 
> I get lost after that.  Can someone help me through this just to get it 
> up and running?
Some people would have everyone running the bleeding edge, but it's not 
necessary.  Ubuntu 7.10 has a very usable version in its repository, so
`sudo apt-get install xastir` gets you  up and running quickly.

Once it's installed, simply type 'xastir' in a console and hit enter. 
It'll open up with a simple world map, and the station config dialog will 
open.  Fill in the blanks for your station call and location, save it, 
then begin exploring the other menus.  I suggest 'maps' and 'interfaces' 

If you later want to venture to the bleeding edge, then ubuntu gives you 
tools to do most of the hard stuff:

`sudo apt-get build-dep xastir`
`sudo apt-get install build-essential`

...the first will bring in all the necessary header files and stuff, the 
second will pull down the compiler and developer tools.  Then you're ready 
to lay down the latest tarball from sourceforge and compile your own.

   Finally, if you find you need to be absolutely hanging on the edge, 
install cvs and sync to the developers sources.

Rick Green

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
                                   -Benjamin Franklin

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