[Xastir] Odd File Path

Chip Griffin n1mie at mac.com
Fri Feb 15 23:46:27 EST 2008

I just noted an oddity using the latest version of Xastir (just  
recompiled). I occasionally run from the command line so I can see  
output messages, and I had done this, and received many pages of  
errors like this:

> Couldn't stat log file '/Users/chip/.xastir/logs/net.log/logs/ 
> net.log/logs/net.log': not a directory


> Couldn't open config file for appending: /Users/chip/.xastir/logs/ 
> net.log/logs/net.log/config/xastir.cnf

I'm wondering if this might have to do with some of the recent  
changes relative to the kml. I've also noticed that the track logs  
don't seem to auto delete. I have 591+ MB of files in that ~/.xastir/ 
tracklogs directory. Ouch! I just deleted all the ones that seem to  
have been generated. I've also noticed that Tigermaps seems to stop  
working sometime after startup, and I'm thinking the path issue might  
relate to this. Finally I've occasionally seen that after running  
Xastir for awhile that my map bookmarks won't show in the list,  
quitting and restarting fixes this. I believe this may also be  
related to this odd path issue.

-- Chip

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