[Xastir] Xastir on Mac OS X 10.5. Leopard

Chip Griffin n1mie at mac.com
Tue Feb 19 19:34:02 EST 2008

On Feb 18, 2008, at 22:02, Derrick Brashear wrote:

> A lot of the issues are specific to integrating with the Mac's  
> environment, especially issues with focus and the virtual desktop  
> solution included in Leopard.
> The basic Xorg functionality seems to be pretty solid.

All of that is true. One additional insight I would offer is that one  
of the lead programmers on the project is a gentleman who recently  
came from the Linux part of the world and so he has (a) a deep  
knowledge of how thinks work in the Unix world and (b) a deep  
commitment to ensuring things work as they should from a Unix  

--de Chip (N1MIE) FN41bn

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