[Xastir] ./configure issue

C. Griffin n1mie at mac.com
Tue Apr 14 08:44:48 EDT 2009

On Apr 13, 2009, at 17:50, Keith Kaiser wrote:

> Jason, pretend I know nothing about how to add the appropriate - 
> R....thingy to the link command and give me the syntax.  I won't  
> kiss you but if it works to get me running, I will buy you a beer  
> first time we meet.

I don't do beer, but you might try reading these notes I made for some  
tidbits ...

-- Chip
      n1mie at mac.com


Installing Xastir on a Mac: (use in concert with the INSTALL doc file  
which has more detail I don't wish to reproduce here)
	by Chip (N1MIE) n1mie at arrl.net

  1. Install a Motif package (openmotif or lesstif can be installed  
via Fink) [I found openmotif caused problems on my system (odd menu  
issues), so I removed and installed lesstif which worked great. You  
may also need to try it both ways.]

  2. Ensure an entry similar to the below is in your '.bashrc' or  
'.bash_profile' file:

*3. Install libproj (can be installed as 'proj' via Fink)
	Install/update libtiff (can be installed via Fink)
	Install libgeotiff
		download and uncompress file (http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/geotiff.html 
		"./configure" or "./configure --prefix=/sw" (second places files  
same place as Fink)
		"sudo make"
		"sudo make install"

*4. Install ShapeLib
		download and uncompress file (http://shapelib.maptools.org)
		"cc -c shpopen.c"
		"cc -c shptree.c"
		"cc -c dbfopen.c"
		"ar cru libshp.a shpopen.o shptree.o dbfopen.o"
		"sudo cp libshp.a /sw/lib"
		"sudo ranlib /sw/lib/libshp.a"
		"sudo mkdir /sw/include/libshp"
		"sudo cp shapefil.h /sw/include/libshp/"

*5. Install ImageMagick (can be installed via Fink) [I had problems  
when I used a pre-6.2 version]
	or install GraphicsMagick (download from site and follow Mac OS X  
instructions found in PLATFORM.txt) -- there is a mistake in this file  
it says to issue a command "ln -s sw /sw" but it should read "ln -s / 
sw sw", the make will not work until this link is made (corrected below)
	This is from the GM site since the platform notes weren't included
		The first few steps should be done as an administrator, or with  
proper use of "sudo"
			1.	Install Fink (a package manager). The default setup will create  
a /sw directory on your main hard drive. It will also make sure /sw/ 
bin is in your path.
			2.	Install the latest X-Code from Apple.
			3.	Make a link in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/ to /sw:
				"cd /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; ln -s /sw sw"
			4.	Use Fink, or FinkCommander to install libjpeg and libtiff and  
any other libraries you might want.
		As a regular user or administrator:
			5.	Download the GM snapshot.
			6.	Unpack and cd into the source directory.
			7.	Set your CFLAGS environment variable to (command varies by shell):
				"-O -g -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/ -arch i386 -I/sw/ 
				this can be done by adding the following line to  
your .bash_profile (or equivalent)
				export CFLAGS="-O -g -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/ - 
arch i386 -I/sw/include/"
			8.	Set your LDFLAGS environment variable to:
				this can be done by adding the following line to  
your .bash_profile (or equivalent)
				export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/,- 
			9.	I used the following ./configure line (beware wrap):
				./configure --prefix=/sw --with-quantum-depth=16 --disable- 
dependency-tracking \ --with-x=yes --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x- 
libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib/ --without-perl
			10.	Issue make
			11.	Test the binaries as necessary and when satisfied:
				sudo make install
			12.	start X11 and in a new shell: (or source your .profile or .login)
				gm display

*6. Install wget or curl (normally already present on OS X Macs)

*7. Install gpsman and gpsmanshp (I haven't tried this) [Not available  
via Fink]

*8. Install Festival (I haven't tried this)

*9. Install GDAL (can be installed via Fink, must be done manually on  
Intel Macs unless you enable Fink unstable tree)
		download and uncompress file (http://remotesensing.org/gdal/)
		"./configure --prefix=/sw --with-local=/sw/lib --with-gif=internal -- 
with-jpeg=internal" (may need to modify if you don't use Fink)
		"sudo make"
		"sudo make install"

*10. Install Berkeley DataBase (can be installed via Fink)

  11. Build Xastir (commands need to be executed from within directory  
where Xastir source resides)
  		"./configure --with-bdb-libdir=/sw/lib --with-bdb-incdir=/sw/ 
  			or "./configure --with-bdb-libdir=/sw/lib --with-bdb-incdir=/sw/ 
include/db4 --prefix=/sw" (latter for use with Fink)
  			You can type "./configure --help" to get a list of all options.  
Two other good options are "--with-rtree" and "--with-profiling".

* Optional installs

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