[Xastir] Xastir is running on OSX

Jason KG4WSV kg4wsv at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 14:42:50 EDT 2009

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Tom Hayward <esarfl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Xastir on OSX seems to be gaining popularity lately. I'm eager to nail
> down a complete install process that can be duplicated.

1: forget about fink and macports if you don't already have them installed.

2: install X11 and Xcode development tools if they aren't already on your mac

3: install OpenMotif binary package (don't try to build from source)

4: install remaining support packages (pcre, image/graphicsMagick,
etc) as needed to support your map types. (remember to use
--without-perl on the graphicsmacgick ./configure line.)  I don't
recall details on all of the support packages, but pcre (for dbfawk
support) and image/graphicsMagick get you the basics, and they install
fairly easily.

5: build xastir with ./configure
--with-motif-libs=/usr/OpenMotif/lib because the binary Motif
distribution puts the development stuff in a non-standard place.

I have a Leopard machine that I don't think I've mucked around with
too much; if I get time, I'll try to start from scratch and document
the process.


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