[Xastir] 2008 Tiger Map edge.dbfawk

Dale Seaburg kg5lt at verizon.net
Wed Apr 29 19:21:23 EDT 2009

As a followup on this discussion, you have to actually remove the  
tabblock* files.  Removing just the tabblock.dbfawk file is not  
sufficient - the default values are applied to the tabblock* files,  
with the tabblock.dbfawk file missing from the config folder.

Also, as a footnote, even though I do like the offline Tiger maps,  
there are some shortcomings:

1.  I noticed that city/town streets and county roads are not  
differentiated.  Bummer!  I would like the county roads visible and  
labeled *before* the streets are labeled as you zoom in.  It would  
take a major redo of the data in the edges.dbf file, me-thinks.   
Maybe with some thought and the proper tools it might be feasible.

2.  With the tabblock files gone, the city/town outlines disappear -  
nice shading.  Bummer!  Again, a redo of the tabblock.dbf would  
probably do the trick.  Depending upon how many city/towns in a given  
county, that might not be too hard.

Thoughts, anyone?  Where am I not missing some important points?

( I really need to get out of digest mode. . . . . )

73 - Dale.  KG5LT

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