[Xastir] Soundmodem w/Buxcomm interface

William McKeehan mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net
Sun Jan 3 16:20:14 EST 2010

I'm working a Buxcomm interface and soundmodem. When a packet is received, the
interface will activate the PTT and cut off the packet.

I did some searching and found advice to change the source code for the

    Edit soundcard/kisspkt.c, find the pktsetdcd function, and change its
    second parameter to 0.  This will ensure that the DTR signal remains
    false at all times, and will avoid accidentally keying the radio
    during reception.

I tried this (although I'm not certain I did it correctly) and the result was
that the first packet would get decoded, but nothing afterwards.

Is anyone else using the Buxcomm interface with a soundcard? Any suggestions?
William McKeehan

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