[Xastir] OSM offline

John Ronan jpronans at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 04:56:20 EDT 2010

On 29 Jun 2010, at 22:37, Curt, WE7U wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Jun 2010, John Ronan wrote:
>> Could someone point me at the thread (there must be one) that
>> explains the best way to take the displayed raster (OSM) maps and
>> have them available for offline use?
>> I've got my different map "Bookmarks" sorted out, but without
>> Internet, xastir doesn't seem to load the cached version.
> Ideally you should get cache hits if you use Bookmarks and then
> stick to Pan/Zoom keys (assuming you did that while online to
> populate the cache).  That's how it works for other online services.
> I don't know if it works the same for OSM.
I'll try it again this evening when I get home.  But basically what I tried was to go to every "Bookmark", wait for the map to load.  Then I pulled the ethernet cable and did the same again, but I saw no maps.

> As another backup:  You can use the screenshot capability in Xastir
> to capture images you like.  Xastir creates an image file and a .geo
> file that goes with it.  Copy/rename each set to your map area and
> you'll have a set of images you can play with from then on.  It
> takes a while to do this for a large area for all the pans/zooms
> you're interested in, but for a small area it's workable.
I've got the ones that I generated with radiomobile, so its not a showstopper, but they aren't as pretty :)

de John

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