[Xastir] Online open maps downloading too frequently

Alex Carver kf4lvz at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 5 15:26:09 EDT 2011

--- On Tue, 4/5/11, Curt, WE7U wrote:

> > If I remember correctly, the current code can't render
> each layer independently of the others so when one layer
> refreshes, all of them must be redrawn in the layer
> order.  If I'm correct then the entire window gets
> redrawn every time one of the layers updates including the
> radar images.
> Yes, but if you're using OSM maps they should get drawn out
> of the cache instead of snagged from the 'net each time.

"Should" being the operative word.  I think it's going out to check for more recent tiles if they're on the server but it does do a download and then pulls from cache (the status bar says "Downloading tiles..." for a while).  It mostly hangs on that downloading step and then moves on as soon as it's done.

It's a little disappointing because I can't have the radar images going with the OSM otherwise my windows are going to hang on every refresh.  I'm living without the radar for now.  Assuming I have a spare tuit available somewhere (round or square, maybe even triangular) I might have to dig and see if I can prevent the download ahead of time for any tiles that exist.

> Glad you figured out the problem!
> -- Curt, WE7U.        http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
> APRS in Search and Rescue:  http://wetnet.net/~we7u/search_and_rescue.html
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