[Xastir] FTDI USB to serial adapter

Lee Bengston lee.bengston at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 20:12:11 EST 2011

Hello to the List.  I have a Prolific based USB to serial adapter that
freezes up after 3-4 days of TNC activity when using Xastir or other
APRS apps in Linux .  I got tired of the work-around of scheduled
reboots via cron, so I found the adapter below.  I was pleasantly
surprised to find an inexpensive adapter that actually called out the
FTDI chipset on the retailer's website.


With re-boots removed from cron, the system uptime is now over 17 days
without a hitch using this adapter.

I have no relationship with (or ownership of) either FTDI or Tiger
Direct - just passing along something that is working well for me and
is a vast improvement over what I was using previously.

Lee - K5DAT

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