[Xastir] "IGate" -> BLN to RF

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 20:27:03 EST 2011

On Sat, 5 Feb 2011, LA5PPA / Lasse wrote:

> As a test I added BLN and a local message group SNYTT to "nws-stations.txt", 
> saved it and restarted Xastir.

output_igate_rf() is the function in igate.c that gates messages/ack's/nak's to RF.

output_nws_igate_rf is the function which gates weather alerts to RF.

Looking at db.c, output_igate_rf() is called for ACK, REJ, other message w/linenumber, and in the decode_info_field() function it also tries to gate in this instance:

     // Attempt to gate to RF only if the following conditions are
     // met:
     //   *) ok_igate_rf flag is set.
     //   *) Not my exact callsign.
     //   *) Packet was from the INET, not local RF
     //   *) The "from" call matches a line in data/nws-stations.txt,
     //      verified by igate.c:check_NWS_stations().
     // The output_igate_rf() function will also do some checks on
     // the packet before allowing it to be igated, including a
     // dupe-check.

In db.c there's a specific check for "BLN".  If it finds that it calls bulletin_data_add() and decides that it is done processing, so bulletins do not have a chance to be igated even if they are listed in the nws-stations.txt file.  Sorry!

We could change that section to be more like the "other message w/linenumber" section, attempting to gate the packets if "BLN" is in the nws-stations.txt file.  I'm not clear yet whether that would be a good idea.

Curt, WE7U.                         <http://www.eskimo.com/~archer>
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