[Xastir] TH-D2A xastir com port issue

Kai Günter Brandt kai.brandt at cih.uib.no
Mon Jan 10 16:15:32 EST 2011

On 01/09/2011 02:31 AM, David Flood wrote:
> If and when anyone with a D72 either takes the time to work through new
> script settings or donates/loans it to one of the Developers then there will
> be a new script.  I'm sorry but that's how it works.....I know my name is on
> some of the mods to the script but I'm quite happy with my D700 and D7ag so
> I can't justify buying yet another radio...especially in light of my reduced
> Public Service involvement due to various issues.
> Dave

I have been browsing the tnc-startup.thd7 file and as long as the TH-D72
manually is set to TNC mode this should work ok.
There should not be any "new" TNC commands comparing the TH-D7 and
TH-D72 except for the GPS commands.

But if you want the radio to automatic enter TNC mode you have to adapt
the TM-D710 script. The difference between the TH-D7 and TH-D72 is more
or less only the "TN x,y" command that turns on/off the TNC.

So to get the .thd7 file  to automatic start the TNC on the TH-D72 just
add the command:
TN 2,0  (start TNC on band A) after the TC 1 command

To get it to change frequency before the TN 2,0 enter:
FO 0xxxxxxxxxx0000000101001000000000
Where x is a 10digit frequency in Hz

I can verify this later and upload some working TNC start/stop scripts.

Kai Günter Brandt

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