[Xastir] Wx Alerts

Chip G. n1mie at mac.com
Tue Jan 18 18:12:46 EST 2011

Excellent topic.

Here are my thoughts on it. I like the idea of the weather alerts coming through. But we seriously must lean on local igates to limit what and how things are gated to RF. On my computer I'm happy to see it all (it'll be self-limited by what map I have open). But when I'm mobil I hate getting "messages" (weather alerts) for DX (NYC, Buffalo, and I've seen further). I want the county or two around me. And it doesn't need to be sent every 10 minutes either, not unless it's super urgent.

That said... I'm happy to help, and I'd love to be able to igate local stuff via Xastir into the local RF stream. But I'm only going to do it if I can figure out how to configure it for a relatively small set of stuff and with timing more like once or twice an hour.


On Jan 17, 2011, at 22:15, Tom Russo wrote:

> But you can snag the raw data from aprs.fi and paste it into an xastir input

--de Chip (N1MIE) FN41bn

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