[Xastir] Weather station type
Curt, WE7U
curt.we7u at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 19:11:43 EDT 2011
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Dean Groe wrote:
> Well, it only took me seven months to get upgraded to Xastir v2.x on the home station....
> I figured that I would rattle this chain again.
> If you have a really great memory, you will recall that I was wondering why Xastir was not passing on my WxStation type, and what could easily be done about it. In my case it is a Davis Vantage Pro, but I wonder if Xastir properly sends any WxStation types.
> Just a few minutes ago, db2APRSgenerated the following string;
> _0727181800c243s006g010t084r000p000P000h70b10151xDvs
> Then shortly afterward, Xastir announced the following to the world, via my station;
> KD4TWJ>APX201,TCPIP*,qAC,T2ZUG:=2833.40N/08114.24W_243/006g010t084r000P000p000h70b10151
> Notice the xDvs at the end of the db2APRS string. It appears that db2APRSis doing it's part.
> Any ideas?
I may see N7QNM tonight at a meeting. If so I'll ask him to see if he has any ideas on it.
Curt, WE7U. http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
APRS Device Capabilities: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer/aprs_device_capabilities.html
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