[Xastir] Xastir Message ID Question
Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)
ldeffenb at homeside.to
Fri Jun 24 11:07:06 EDT 2011
Read up on Reply-Acks at http://www.aprs.org/aprs11/replyacks.txt
It'll explain the additional usage of the message "number". But the
answer to your direct question is "yes". Whatever up-to-5 characters
you see after the { are what the sender of the message is expecting to
receive back in the ack message. If you're reply-ack aware, the answer
is much more complex.
Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
On 6/24/2011 10:52 AM, John Gorkos wrote:
> Xastir Devs-
> Can you please help me out with Xastir messaging?
> I'm doing some new work on AVRS, and using xastir as my message source for
> testing. The simplest function AVRS will do is tell you the closest echolink
> and IRLP nodes, when queried with a "?". Message traffic looks like this:
> A few things to note here:
> 1) This is a fresh compiled-this-morning Xastir 2.0.0 (not APX194, but I would
> think APX200)
> 2) I'm completely lost with what you guys are doing with the message number.
> Going back to the spec, the message format is:
> 1 byte for ":" (message data type indicator)
> 9 bytes for Addressee
> 1 byte for ":" (message separator, I suppose)
> 0-67 bytes for the message text
> 1 byte for "{" (end of message indicator)
> 1-5 bytes for "message number"
> So....
> from xastir, is the message number "0h}0", or is it "0h" or is it "0"? When I
> ACK this message, what is Xastir looking for? According to the spec, I should
> ACK with "0h}0"
> Help... All raw packets are available on APRS.FI (conversants are AB0OO and
> John Gorkos
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