[Xastir] (no subject)
kd5mkv at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 5 19:56:54 EDT 2011
On 11/05/2011 05:52 PM, Tom Russo wrote:
I ran cloudmade 5 sometime ago, have since discontinue running it.
Have removed it from map chooser and properties, it tries to load and
after 5 minutes of lagging in the left bottom window, the tiled
osmrender will finally load with the following errors. I installed
html2ps from synaptic and no maps,
just lines with number 4, Osmrender still works after removal of
html2ps, errors still there but xastir is working. thanks steve kd5mkv
> On Sat, Nov 05, 2011 at 12:20:22PM -0500, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of the<kd5mkv at hotmail.com> flavor, containing:
>> I used the cvs update this week and started recieveing errors in terminal. I using Ubuntu 10.4 i386 on a hp 2250 minitower.
>> execvp failed, errno = 2 (No such file or directory)
>> Magick: "html2ps" "-U" "-o" "/tmp/gm1un72c" "/home/kd5mkv1/.xastir/OSMtiles/topOSMc/10/232/433.png".
>> Magick: Delegate failed ("html2ps" -U -o "%o" "%i").
>> Removing /home/kd5mkv1/.xastir/OSMtiles/topOSMc/10/232/433.png
>> execvp failed, errno = 2 (No such file or directory)
>> Magick: "html2ps" "-U" "-o" "/tmp/gmJmV244" "/home/kd5mkv1/.xastir/OSMtiles/topOSMc/10/233/433.png".
>> Magick: Delegate failed ("html2ps" -U -o "%o" "%i").
>> Removing /home/kd5mkv1/.xastir/OSMtiles/topOSMc/10/233/433.png
> Seeing these "html2ps" messages means that the on-line map server you're
> using has returned an error.
> Here's what happens.
> Xastir issues an HTML request to the map server for a PNG file. It ASSUMES
> that it gets a PNG file back, and sends it off to ImageMagick for processing.
> But if the server returns an error, it returns HTML text (usually).
> ImageMagick tries to convert the HTML to an image, which requires a script
> called "html2ps" that you clearly don't have installed, so ImageMagick
> is complaining.
> But even if you did install html2ps, what you'd wind up with is an HTML error
> message in your Xastir window instead of a map. And it may well be that the
> message is illegible (I had that happen once to the weather radar overlay,
> and was wondering why there was a hash of junk in one corner of my map window,
> and finally figured out that it was poorly rendered, distorted text).
> So there are two problems
> 1) The map server you're using is returning an error
> 2) You don't have the html2ps converter installed
> 3) Xastir doesn't notice that it got an HTML file instead of the PNG it
> assumes its gotten
> 4) I can't count.
> Your best bet to solve the issue is to switch to a different online map
> choice.
> But since you mention "cloudmade_5" it looks like you're trying to use one of
> the OSM un-tiled map options. You might like the tiled versions better
> anyway. Try OSM_tiled_mapnik.geo or OSM_tiled_osmarender.geo.
> The tiled versions run much faster once they've downloaded a few batches of
> tiles, because they're not trying to load the full screen image for every
> view. They download tiles that cover part of your view, so when you pan the
> work it's done previously is not all wasted --- as you pan, it only has to
> download new tiles for the areas that got moved into view, and can reuse the
> tiles that were in your previous view.
>> Maps load but sometimes lags on a map "loading online/osm cloudmade 5.geo which I have chosen in map chooser!
>> Then it loads osmrender map I have selected in map chooser. I have rerun the apt-get for imaginemagik and graphicmagik are the latest.
>> Is okay? It is working properly? thanks Steve kd5mkv
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