[Xastir] Yet another setup...

Liz edodd at billiau.net
Mon Dec 30 23:39:59 EST 2013

The Pi keeps on shutting down, so while I wait for the store that sells
electronic components to reopen after New Year, I'm trying the eeepc on
the job.

I've got ax25 setup and controlling the radio, aprx working.
Reinstalled Xastir from xastir205-debian7-i386-2013-Mar25.deb
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/xastir

Trying to use the ax25 port in Xastir, I get 
socket: Operation not permitted
Interface Error! Error opening interface 5 Hard Fail

(yes it is port 5)
and I have put in the port name used in the axports file "aprs"

ls -la /usr/bin/xastir gives me
-rwsr-xr-x 1 liz liz 4058330 Mar 26  2013 /usr/bin/xastir

Can anyone help me troubleshoot?


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