[Xastir] Configuration list for D700

Chris-N9JCA n9jca at wowway.com
Mon Mar 18 19:21:56 EDT 2013

Thanks for the suggestion Liz, I'll look into building an AX25 
interface; I have read what to do in the  Xastir FAQ's and :HowTO"

"I am always doing that which I CANNOT do in order I may LEARN how to do it"

On 03/18/2013 04:10 PM, Liz wrote:Xastir doesn't digipeat. If you need a 
digipeater and you need to see where people are on the map, I suggest 
setting up a ax25 interface, and using aprx to digipeat, and setting 
xastir to look at the ax25 interface instead. you have to decide which 
(if any) gets to send to aprs-is. I'm sure there will be more 
suggestions. Liz VK2XSE _______________________________________________ 
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