[Xastir] Light weight APRS client with smart beaconing support for Raspberry PIs

David Ranch xastir at trinnet.net
Tue Sep 3 12:15:04 EDT 2013

> Check out dantracker. It has a GUI, but sounds like it's pretty close 
> to what you're looking for. It does smartbeaconing. 

I found Dan's "Dan Tracker" software after sending that email last night 
and emailed him to get an update.  It seems it doesn't support the true 
SmartBeacon features but it's smarter than a simple time delayed beacon 
too.  I emailed Dan to understand what the current state of affairs are 
on it as he has his fingers in so many projects: Chirp (multi radio / 
multi platform memory programmer), D-RATS (chat, file transfer program 
for slow speed Dstar), etc.

Dixprs looks nice and I like that it's written in Python but it looks to 
be a feature-packed APRS *server* and not really a client (no 
SmartBeaconing) just like Digi_ned and others.  I'm surprised there 
really aren't many light weight clients out there especially considering 
little boards like the Rpi, BeagleBone, etc.


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