[Xastir] Light weight APRS client with smart beaconing support for Raspberry PIs

Tom Hayward esarfl at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 11:46:42 EDT 2013

On Sep 2, 2013 9:27 PM, "David Ranch" <xastir at trinnet.net> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Since the list has been pretty quiet, I thought I'd send this out tothe group.  I have a Raspberry Pi and a TNC-Pi which it works pretty wellbut I'd like to turn it into a an APRS tracker and digi. For the tracker side, I have a working USB GPS unit that's spitting out the expected NEMA sentences but I'd like something that supports SmartBeaconing and not just periodic beacons.

Check out dantracker. It has a GUI, but sounds like it's pretty close
to what you're looking for. It does smartbeaconing.



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