[Xastir] https server is now operational

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 13:11:31 EDT 2014

On Wed, 25 Jun 2014, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

> Ok, that was a bit flippant of me, but I think the level of security
> provided is proportionate to the data being protected in this case.

That's where my mind-set was.  I was trying to get light encryption going from the browser to the server, not protect against serious attacks or spammers.  The captcha has done a good job so far against spammers however.

> It will protect your wiki password from casual interception at the
> coffee shop, which is important if you're bone-headed enough to use a
> password that is also used to secure more important things (bank
> accounts).  No it won't protect against MITM.
> OTOH one reason to go ahead and get a signed certificate is that
> security conscious networks (govt, many corporate networks, etc) block
> sites using self-signed certs.

I've had several people point out ways to do real certificates.  It's appreciated.  I'm not trying to make this little wiki/mailing-list server my life's work.  Just enough to get the job done.  If the number of bits of encryption for the self-signed cert isn't adequate I can redo it.  If it's enough as-is to protect someone wiki password in most cases, then I'd rather not tweak it.

The larger amount of work yesterday was to get protocol-independent URL's working on the Wiki.  I had to tweak a few links here and there that specifically included "http://www.xastir.org" in the URL.  They now read "//xastir.org".  Let me know if any local links on the Wiki take you out of https mode and I'll fix them.

Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
APRS Client Capabilities:  http://wetnet.net/~we7u/aprs_capabilities.html

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