[Xastir] Trouble installing Xastir in Wheezy on Beaglebone Black

Jason Rausch jason at ke4nyv.com
Wed Jun 25 21:18:38 EDT 2014

That did the trick, Lee!  Thanks!  I made the edit to the script and it ran perfectly.  Took about 20 minutes total.  I now have Xastir running on the BeagleBone black, with the 7" touchscreen LCD and it's talking to a TNC-X via USB.  Next step will be to add a USB GPS to the mix.

Jason Rausch - Amateur Radio Callsign: KE4NYV
RPC Electronics, LLC

 From: Lee Bengston <lee.bengston at gmail.com>
To: Jason Rausch <jason at ke4nyv.com>; Xastir - APRS client software discussion <xastir at lists.xastir.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Trouble installing Xastir in Wheezy on Beaglebone Black

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Jason Rausch <jason at ke4nyv.com> wrote:

>As I stated in my first email, I already have the 7" LCD cape.  It works very well with the out-of-box BBB.  Just plug and play.
>Even though I have played around with Linux for years, I am still pretty useless at finding my way around it.  Are there any good guides for building from source?  I know I have done this before, but I can't remember how or where I found how.
>Jason Rausch - Amateur Radio Callsign: KE4NYV
>RPC Electronics, LLC

​If the Debian Wheezy you are using has the same packages available as the "Raspian" version for the Raspberry Pi (that I understand is based on Wheezy), then the script available at the following link may work for you​.


No promises - no warranty, :-)   It has been tested successfully in Raspian.  The script loads dependent packages, downloads Xastir from CVS, compiles it, and installs it.

Assuming you are not running "Raspian", you will have to remove the following lines from the script that are near the top:

if ! grep -q "raspbian" /etc/apt/sources.list; then
  echo "This script applies only to the Raspbian distribution"
  exit 1


You will also need to make the script executable by issuing this command in the terminal.
chmod +x raspbian-xastir-cvsbuild.sh


Lee - K5DAT

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