[Xastir] Script to cache some maps

David Ranch xastir at trinnet.net
Wed Nov 11 12:33:07 EST 2015

I think if Skyler's script automation was slow enough, it shouldn't be a 
terms violation.   It specifically says "significant areas of tiles at 
zoom levels of 17 and higher".  It's unclear what "significant" is.  
Maybe we should reach out to their Sysadmins to get some clarification?  
I personally don't think this would really be all that much load if it's 
throttled properly and maybe limited to fetching the requested title 
zoom levels on a per-grid-square region.


. . .

    Bulk Downloading

Bulk downloading is *strongly discouraged*. Do not download tiles 
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tiles> unnecessarily.

In particular, downloading significant areas of tiles at zoom levels 17 
and higher for offline or later usage is *forbidden* without prior 
consultation with a System Administrator 
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/System_Administrators>. These tiles 
are generally not available (cached) on the server in advance, and have 
to be rendered specifically for those requests, putting an unjustified 
burden on the available resources.

To avoid having your access blocked, please discuss your requirement 
with system administrators 
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/System_Administrators> either via 
their wiki pages or on the IRC channel 
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IRC> prior to starting.

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