[Xastir] Cygwin Users?

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 14:33:19 PST 2017

On Fri, 1 Dec 2017, Kurt wrote:

> How about Windows 8 on a TW801 tablet?  Possible?

I'm no Windows expert, but if it's Windows 8 RT? you might have some trouble getting much to run on it.

If it's a more normal x86 processor and Windows 8, I would think some of the earlier (pre-Win10) instructions for Xastir should work to get it running.

Hopefully others that know more about Windows will answer with more specifics. The only time I run Windows anymore is off a couple of dual-boot laptops, for programming radios. Most of my radio programming can be done with Chirp on Linux these days, but I still have a few hold-outs.

Curt, WE7U.        http://we7u.wetnet.net
APRS in Search and Rescue:  http://we7u.wetnet.net/search_and_rescue.html
Coordinate Converter (Android): http://www.sarguydigital.com

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