[Xastir] Does anyone know Hessu's email? Was:Re: APRS.FI ROBOT irritation
Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)
ldeffenb at homeside.to
Wed Jul 12 03:37:33 PDT 2017
Just take a look at the raw packets for KJ4ERJ-15. aprs.fi doesn't like
the ISS and PSAT objects "flying" in orbit. They show up fine in other
APRS clients, but not aprs.fi. Such is life. We live by the choices of
the authors of software that make them available to us for free.
In APRSISCE/32, I monitor the average speed across multiple packets. If
a single packet exceeds an internal speed limit, it gets dropped. But
if the station appears to be sustaining that speed over time, the
packets will eventually be accepted as "real".
These are all attempts by APRS uthors to filter the APRS-IS stream to
remove packets that appear to have been corrupted. It is thankfully not
common, but sometimes a station will appear to "jump" back and forth
across the planet and it's better to suppress those jumps as being
likely incorrect than to deal with the outcry of bogus-looking tracks.
In the case of aprs.fi, I would have liked to have been able to see the
raw packets when they were being flagged as "too fast" because it was
either a short-lived phenomenon (if your station was consistently
beaconing a new location) or there were two instances of a single
callsign-SSID beaconing two dramatically different locations in an
interleaved fashion (which would be user-end correctable).
Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
On 7/12/2017 12:41 AM, David A Aitcheson wrote:
> Hey Lynn,
> I was trying to be nice and only beacon once every hour when I had
> XASTIR turned on or force a beacon every fifteen minutes.
> The info shown as:
> KB3EFS · center · zoom · info
> 43°1.72' N 74°59.67' W
> 2017-06-26 19:41:33
> 40722 MPH
> 437 Henry St, Herkimer, NY 13350, USA
> Dave - No Radio
> [APX209 via TCPIP*,qAC,WG3K-NJ]
> being tracked · stop tracking · track in Street View
> ... is the last packet that got through the system. I have been on at
> times every day since then only to have any packet or beacon get
> tossed to /dev/null. All because the system got "Snarky" with me for
> changing my location at an extremely high rate (I think it chokes on
> speeds over 999.99 MPH) of speed. The system said I was traveling in
> excess of 40,000 MPH.
> Must be someone else is listening or I finally got automatically taken
> off the bad boy list as things are now working again.
> Oh well...
> 73
> Dave
> On 07/11/2017 11:29 PM, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
>> If you pick a location and continually beacon that location for a
>> given callsign-SSID, aprs.fi will eventually accept your location.
>> If you continually ping-pong a station (unique callsign-ssid) between
>> two locations, you'll never get it to show up on aprs.fi (or
>> APRSISCE/32 for that matter).
>> But right now, I don't think you're beaconing anything as KB3EFS. The
>> last you were heard at aprs.fi was 2017-06-26. And that's not that
>> you're "locked out", you're just not getting any packets injected
>> into the APRS-IS.
>> Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
>> On 7/11/2017 10:38 PM, David A Aitcheson wrote:
>>> *I DO NOT **do Google Gr**oups or **F**aceBook.*
>>> What good is APRS or XASTIR if I can not update my position when I
>>> move?
>>> If anyone knows a direct email address for *HEIKKI "Hessu" HANNIKAINEN*
>>> *OH7LZB *I would appreciate your sharing it with me *directly / off
>>> list*.
>>> *If you can not share his address then please forward this message to
>>> him directly.*
>>> Thank you
>>> Dave
>>> KB3EFS
>>> On 07/02/2017 04:04 PM, David A Aitcheson wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know how to get the APRS.FI Robot to stop sending ones
>>>> beacons to /Dev/Null?
>>>> Apparently adjusting ones location from FIXED point "A" to FIXED point
>>>> "B" is a crime as it invoked the "*[Location changes too fast
>>>> (adaptive limit)]*" error and has locked me out of the system.
>>>> Dave
>>>> KB3EFS
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