[Xastir] Gating weather data to RF
Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate
gerry.creager at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 28 08:16:03 PDT 2018
If you've registered for CWOP... and for that matter if you haven't
registered yet... send your data into either the APRS-IS or to CWOP servers
directly. Gating them to RF is also reasonable, assuming you, unlike my
last location have folks who don't mind seeing weather packets show up
To get info on joining CWOP, go to http://wxqa.com/SIGN-UP.html and follow
the instructions for ham operators. You can connect to your local Tier2
server, rotate.aprs2.net (Tier2 round-robin DNS), or rotate.aprs.net, the
APRS Core server round-robin.
On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 9:31 AM, Curt, WE7U <curt.we7u at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Aug 2018, Alejandro Arroyo wrote:
> I have a station running xastir for several years now (HP1COO). I also have
>> a weather station (not APRS compatible) that sends data using my callsign
>> (HP1COO-13) to CWOP. This data is visible on aprs.fi.
>> Is there a way to configure xastir to forward the weather data from this
>> station to RF? I only want to forward to RF metereological data of the
>> area. I read this might be done configuring the file nws-stations.txt ?
> If you do a grep for "nws-stations.txt" in the Xastir main directory
> you'll find info in ChangeLog and README about it. That might lead you to
> read a bit more igate.h/igate.c as well, depending on how curious you get
> and what you want to do.
> If the packet is already gated to APRS-IS (sounds like it's not) then with
> the correct entries in that file Xastir may be able to gate them to RF.
> Since you're sending them only to CWOP right now, it may not be possible.
> Others may be able to answer whether you can (or should) connect to
> APRS-IS -and- CWOP with Xastir at the same time. If that's a reasonable
> thing to do, then you might be able to gate them to RF using this method.
> --
> Curt, WE7U. http://we7u.wetnet.net
> Windows ate my homework!
> Coordinate Converter (Android): http://www.sarguydigital.com
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Gerry Creager
“Big whorls have little whorls,
That feed on their velocity;
And little whorls have lesser whorls,
And so on to viscosity.”
Lewis Fry Richardson (1881-1953)
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