[Xastir] Xastir weather alerts

Tom Russo russo at bogodyn.org
Sun Dec 29 10:08:32 PST 2019

In a recent message, Apostolos Kefalas asked:

Hello all,

I am on Xastir v2.1.3 (6884c6f9) and now I have noticed that the
weather alert list (View -> Weather Alerts) is not showing all the

I remember in older versions of Xastir we could see the type of alert,
expiration time and area codes.

Happy New Year to All

Apostolos, SV1LJJ


It looks suspiciously like something has changed in the data coming in related
to weather alerts, and xastir is improperly parsing it.

For example, a quick view of my net feed shows this packet coming in:


But all that shows up in the weather alerts box is:


Somehow that incoming data is not properly being parsed anymore.  Most of the
alerts I find in my wx alerts dialog look like this, with a few extra 
adornments, like:


Very, very few have full data, but some do:
SGFFLS  10020 NWS_ADVIS 01 @0000z ==> 03 @0224z NI MO_C185 FLOOD

Whether this is a change in the incoming data formatting or something broken
in Xastir's code is another question.  Looks like we need a deep dive into
the alert parsing code to see if there are changes necessary.  The alert code
has not had meaningful changes in a very long time.  There was some effort
to eliminate compiler warnings in 2017 and again earlier this year, but those
should not have changed functionality.  

However, Xastir does have an NWS-TEST.log file that we're supposed to be
able to read in and get alerts, and when I read it in it shows up as garbled
alerts just like the new ones have.  

Interestingly enough, though, when I read in NWS-TEST.log the alerts do show
up on the map.  The data is just missing in the alert dialog box.

So it looks like something got mangled in the code where data is parsed out
for display in the dialog, but there is enough information getting decoded to
display it on the map.

Tom Russo    KM5VY
Tijeras, NM  

 echo "prpv_a'rfg_cnf_har_cvcr" | sed -e 's/_/ /g' | tr [a-m][n-z] [n-z][a-m]

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