[Xastir-Dev] Last testing request for configuration!

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Tue Mar 18 18:32:24 EST 2003

This is the last time I'm asking for testing -- if people report
success, I will be committing this sometime this week.

I have finally fixed the yes/no business and the gpsman stuff in my
configuration changes.  I have *not* dealt with the AC_GNU_SOURCE
issue or some of the other cosmetic issues, as they will be fixed
later and have no direct impact on the software itself.

The URL again is:


To install this, first update your local CVS checkouts, then extract
this file's contents into the top directory of your checkout.  Run
./bootstrap and ./configure and gmake and whatever else you run.

The important things to check here are:

1.  Do required things work?
    Xastir does everything I need it to do in a minimal enviroment.
    What about you?  Does it work with your AEA?  Your KPC+?  Whatever
    else?  Let me know!

2.  Do optional things work?
    I'm talking about anything from Festival to gpsman to ImageMagick.
    Anything that's not required to work should work if it's supplied,
    but I can't test everything so I'm asking here for help.

3.  Does it look like what you expect?
    Everyone likes yes/no at the bottom -- are the answers correct?
    Is there anything else you expect to see that's not there?

Please send results to me, not to the list.  Include what operating
system version (and distribution, if necessary), and what optional
packages you've installed for xastir (including whether you built them
From source or installed them from a package, please!) and I'll work
with everyone to get it right.

Thanks again for all your help!

Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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