[Xastir-Dev] Packages/Libraries and Portable Embeddeds

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Mon May 19 13:31:45 EDT 2003

1.	In terms of the libraries debate:

	I, personally, vote as strongly as possible against including other
	libraries in the XASTIR distro.  This is just a bad idea on so many
	levels that I don't want to think about it.  The minuses listed are
	much stronger than the few plusses.

	I don't mind if we hack our configure and/or makefiles to deal with
	other packages inadequate dependency checking or other issues.  We
	shouldn't have to do this, and it shouldn't be our problem, but, it's
	a valuable service to our users.  We should also try to provide as
	much information as possible about how to satisfy any unsatisfied
	dependencies we encounter during an attempted build/install.

	Going to static libraries is, IMHO, a _REALLY_ bad idea.  Especially
	given other discussions about trying to keep the memory footprint
	from getting out of hand.

2.	In terms of Packages:

	I'm a big fan of packages.  Personally, I'd like to see XASTIR
	available at least in .deb, .rpm, and finkable forms at least.
	From what I know of the above formats, the hard part is building
	the spec files the first time.  After that, rebuilding the packages
	isn't all that tough.  However, I have never actually done it, so
	I can't say I really know what I'm talking about on that level.
	However, I think it's probably worth the effort.

3.	In terms of Portable Embedded systems:

	The last descripton from Jack sounded alot like an Apple e-Book
	with apple X11 or XF86 on it and XASTIR. :-)


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