[Xastir-Dev] Annoying map chooser behavior to be corrected

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Tue Oct 28 14:42:37 EST 2003

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>>>>> "Curt" == Curt Mills <Curt> writes:

Jack> While working on that zoom thing for the map chooser, I've
Jack> finally gotten annoyed with a certain bit of behavior to want to
Jack> fix it.

Curt> Which annoying behavior?  There's more than one!

Yeah, but this one tops the list.

Jack> Open the map chooser, select some maps, click one of the
Jack> buttons.  The items change as directed, and then the selection
Jack> is cleared.  I'm going to change the behavior so the selection
Jack> is *not* cleared.  There's a Clear button already on the chooser
Jack> so you can clear the selection.
Jack> If anyone has any problem with this, please say so soon.  It's
Jack> driving me berserk, so I want to fix it tonight, and it's a
Jack> really really easy change.

Curt> It has been both ways in the code before.  Yep, it's pretty easy
Curt> to change.  I have no problem with it, since like you said,
Curt> there's a CLEAR button.

If you're aware of exactly where this needs to be fixed, then please
do.  I don't want to screw it up, and my version of the map chooser is
torn apart with my zoom level code.

An update on the zoom level code:  I have written code that does the

 * displays and modifies the max/min zoom level per map
 * stores the max/min zoom level data in map_index.sys
 * draws maps if they're in the appropriate range

The current behavior is the default if both max and min zoom levels
are left at their default (0).  Change only the max zoom level for a
map, and that map will only be displayed at that zoom level and lower.
Change only the min zoom level, and that map will only be displayed at
that zoom level and higher.  Change both, and the map will be
displayed only if the zoom level is in the range.  There is *no* check
for min > max at the moment, and I'm running into a truly annoying

I delete map_index.sys and start xastir.  It builds an index of all
the maps.  When I exit, the index is complete.  I then start xastir
again, and the maps are re-indexed on startup -- but the index written
to disk contains only the map directories and none of the maps.

It might be something I've changed.  Is there anyone out there who
knows the indexing stuff well enough to suggest where I might have
gone astray?

[... Tigermap stuff ...]

I like the idea of focusing more on the chooser.

- -- 
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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