[Xastir-Dev] user-selectable map label font; "skip" keyword in dbfawk.

Alan Crosswell alan at columbia.edu
Sat Sep 27 10:29:12 EDT 2003

I've added user-selectable map label font used by 
draw_rotated_label_text().  I only added the language-English.sys 
entries for it.  How does one get the entries done for other languages?
The selection is just a text box with a font name.  I've used xfontsel 
to select the font name and then paste it into the box.  Not sure if a 
font chooser widget is available or worth bothering with....

In dbfawk I've added the "skip" keyword which says to skip processing 
the rest of the record. (Compare to "next" which says to skip processing 
the field.)  Here's a sample usage excerpt which fixes a miscoding in 
the Tiger/Line data that labels a major highway segment with the name of 
a local road that exits from it.  I was wondering why when my map was 
zoomed way out, Furnace Dock Rd showed up....

# This Furnace Dock Rd segment is really Rt 9!
/^TLID=139773160$/ {name="Briarcliff-Peekskill Pky"; display_level=8192; 
label_level=512; color=4; lanes=4; skip;}

On my todo list is to start documenting dbfawk in README.MAPS.  Not to 
mention about 100 other tweaks that are still problems (getting layering 
to be driven by the data, implementation of transparency and various 
other attributes, symbols, etc.).


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