[Xastir-dev] interface igate config?

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 23:30:25 EST 2010

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

> The igate configuration on the current interface configuration is
> strictly limited to TNC devices, and consists of the 3 mutually
> exclusive options:
> disable
> allow RF -> inet
> allow  RF -> inet and inet -> RF
> with the additional control of some wx gate config stuff.

There are also the global controls in File->Configure->Defaults

> My thoughts were to do the following:
> allow RF -> inet
>      text box for RF -> inet filter strings
> allow inet -> RF
>      text box for inet -> RF filter strings

Generally for an igate of any type with the APRS-IS as we have it
now, RF->INET won't hurt anything.  Dupes are removed on the APRS-IS
itself if the same packet payload is dumped in by multiple igates in
an area.  The first packet wins.

The other direction is pretty much asking for trouble if you allow
wildcards.  The "normal" method is to automatically gate messages,
ACK's, and NAK's through to RF for stations that have been heard on
local RF only.  This keeps the traffic from INET->RF in an area way
down.  Allowing wildcards through to RF pretty much guarantees that
people are going to screw up and try to put the entire APRS-IS out
onto their local RF and get hammered by all the locals for doing so.

Allowing individual callsigns through, based on destination and/or
source callsign, is probably ok.  This allows an igate operator to
tweak his or her settings to allow certain friends who are traveling
to be seen on RF from their local area.

> All of the gating control is on the TNC interface control dialog.

That's because most of the critical gating is at the RF interface.
For some RF interfaces you wouldn't want any gating (HF?,
satellite?).  Others you might.

> Should anything other than the "allow transmit" button on the "inet
> server" control gating?

There shouldn't be an allow transmit button on the inet server side,
as you're not transmitting there.  It's only on RF where you
transmit.  Perhaps I misunderstood.

Curt, WE7U.                         <http://www.eskimo.com/~archer>
    APRS:  Where it's at!                    <http://www.xastir.org>
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