[Xastir-dev] Weather Alert Test Cases Fail

Dan Srebnick k2dls at k2dls.net
Wed Aug 23 12:24:20 PDT 2017

Upon further testing, there is bug in the current implementation if the
intent is to conform with AE5PL's spec.

On his page at http://www.aprs-is.net/wx/, Pete states that:

zcs are comma separated zone codes or county codes (see the databases
linked to the left to find the zone or county code for your area), or
statement text.

compressed zcs is a compressed listing of zones or counties (see
example below) (note underscore in To address instead of hyphen).

I have written my alerts to use the uncompressed zcs format.  Xastir
currently only processes the first zone in the list and ignores the
remainder.  If the alert uses compressed zcs, then all the applicable
zones are extracted and included in the alert.

Uncompressed, Xastir doesn't create an alert for each zone:


Compressed, Xastir does create an alert for each zone:

K2DLS-13>APRS::NWS-WATCH:280400z,Flash Flood,NJZ012>016{7G000
K2DLS-13>APRS::NWS-WATCH:290400z,Flash Flood,NJZ014-020>023{IJJ00



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