[Xastir] Xastir, Internet Gateways and local digipeaters

Jack Twilley jmt at twilley.org
Wed Dec 17 14:47:17 EST 2003

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>>>>> "Curt" =3D=3D Curt Mills <archer at eskimo.com> writes:

Chris> Hi, I'm relatively new to APRS and have some questions. My
Chris> first question is how do you send packets through a server in
Chris> another state to a digipeater in a different state than the
Chris> server, what is the path suppose to be? Thanks.

Curt> It's very cool.  The answer is this: Get the packet to your
Curt> local igate, whatever that path is.  Once it is on the 'net, all
Curt> packets are seen by all igates that are connected.  Igates keep
Curt> track of who they've heard locally.  If they see a message
Curt> packet on the 'net that is intended for one of the local users,
Curt> they gate it out to RF.

I wonder when this will change to more closely resemble the NTS.  That
network structure makes perfect sense for igates, and would save a
shload of bandwidth.  Of course, it means a lot of politics, but one
of the ARRL's middle names is "Relay" for a reason.

Curt> I believe that only works for message packets.

Curt> If you want to get position packets sent out remotely, you need
Curt> to have the igate sysop configure his/her igate to do that for
Curt> your callsign.

Another fantasy:  being able to send out a packet to an igate saying
"I want (all|weather|position|message) updates from the following
callsigns: ...", and having the igate network handle that request.

Sorta like the filter stuff on some of the core servers, where you can
(supposedly) give it a lat/long/range, and all the packets originating
within that range of that point will come to you.

=2D --=20
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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