[Xastir] UGH!!! Shapefiles?

Steve Dimse k4hg at tapr.org
Thu Jan 9 15:27:54 EST 2003

On 1/9/03 at 12:14 PM hacker at tc.fluke.com (Curt Mills, WE7U) sent:

>Let's get this solved, you tell us where it went wrong, and we'll
>fix the documentation.  That way the next person to come along won't
>have this particular problem.  Anyone who wants to help fix or add
>to the documentation is very welcome to do so.  Just send it to us.
I looked at the configure source, and it is the ImageMagick library that is
hardcoded, so probably not the cause of this problem. Any reason why the IM
library and include searches are hard-coded, rather than using the variables
which the configure script can modify and which can be altered by command line

Steve K4HG

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