[Xastir] New Server Port

Dick C. Reichenbach dreichen at columbus.rr.com
Sun Aug 8 15:22:48 EDT 2004

This is great.  My current Satellite Predict script runs it's own Telnet
server, and Xastir just connects to it and sees it as a Internet
Server.  This will simplify things quite a bit, because the telnet
server has to be restarted everytime the connection is dropped.

Look for the beta of Predict2Xastir soon.

Dick R.

Curt Mills wrote:

>You can use it to connect other APRS clients to.  You can telnet to
>the port and watch the packets go by.  You can create scripts that
>inject objects into the Xastir stream, but in that case you'd need
>to include an authentication string.  Xastir will authenticate each
>connection separately, and if authentication is good and you have
>igating turned on, it will gate the packets upstream to whatever
>servers Xastir is connected to.  It'll also inject the packets into
>Xastir's decoding directly, and copy them to all other connected
>The port is 2023.  "telnet localhost 2023" should show you all
>packets that Xastir is receiving.

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