[Xastir] How can I use SA captures from UI-View in Xastir
Curt Mills
archer at eskimo.com
Tue Dec 14 23:45:11 EST 2004
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, John Kraus wrote:
> How can I use maps captured from Street Atlas using UI-View in Xastir?
> The capture process creates an *.inf file with coordinates for a given map
> of the same name that is captured as a GIF, or PNG file. If these can be
> used it would provide a very simple way to create useful maps that are very
> quick to load. If it can be integrated with the range scale function it
> could simulate zoomable maps nicely. This could be a good way to support
> lower end machines and those without full-time connections.
> This link will provide samples of the maps and *.INF file.
> http://www.kc4zgq.com/ga1.zip
Use the inf2geo script that is probably installed now in your
/usr/local/lib/xastir/ directory. Add that directory to your normal
search path and you'll have access to it. It's also in your
xastir/scripts/ directory, and of course you can copy it up into
your maps directories where you're converting files.
It uses Perl and ImageMagick to create .geo files for each map. Be
careful that the case of your image filename and your .inf filename
match. Same for the filename case inside the .inf file itself.
Unix is case-sensitive. A lot of the UI-View INF files were created
with no attention to case at all.
Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me: I picked the coordinate system!"
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