[Xastir] Switching into Converse Mode

Bennett, Joe remailer at ka3nam.com
Sun Nov 21 10:39:15 EST 2004

I'm running a Wi-Sys 7110 for APRS and have been experimenting with it and 
Xastir. Everything seems to be running fine except for Xmit. Xastir sends a 
"k" to the TNC when it wants to send a beacon, the Wi-Sys box wants to see 
"CONV" or "CONVERSE". Is there a way to change the "k" to what ever is 
needed? I would change this in the Wi-Sys box, but...it can't. 

I'll obviously float a mirrored version of this question the the Wi-Sys bunch 
and see if they would be interested in changing things on their end...???

Either way, I'd be interested in a "quick fix"...


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