[Xastir] Disabling TX until GPS data valid

James Ewen jewen at shaw.ca
Thu May 12 23:06:48 EDT 2005

Okay, how do I work around this?

Xastir is great because I can configure a bazillion different interfaces. In this manner, it is far superior to any other APRS program.

However, I have run into a snag. I use Xastir via internet servers when sitting around the house. I connect it to my D700 when driving in my truck. I have an interface configured to just grab GPS data directly when driving in the company truck. I have also just set up an interface to connect to my D7, but without the GPS attached. All serial devices are on TTYs0, so only one can be active at a time...

If Xastir starts up trying to connect to the D700, it tells me that it is disabling TX until GPS data is valid. I'm okay with that, better to be quiet rather than tell lies!

However, if I shut down that interface and start up the D7 interface, my TX is still disabled. How do I tell Xastir to used my programmed location information, and stop looking for a GPS?


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